The toll of history’s worst epidemic, the Spanish flu, surpasses all the military deaths in World War I and World War II combined. This was the most devastating epidemic in recorded history with more people dying in a single year than in the four years of the Black Death, (Bubonic Plague), which lasted from1347 to 1351.
Based on autopsy reports, one third of deaths from flu related causes perish because the virus overwhelms the immune system. Another third die from immune response to secondary bacterial infection, usually in the lungs. The remaining third perish due to failure of one or more other organs, like kidneys, liver, or lungs.
The great war, World War 1 lasted from 1914 to Armistice day 11/11/1918. The span of four years of war, availability of healthy food was cut short due to disabled transportation from the field to consumers. Simply stated, the population had acquired immune deficiency syndrome from four years of nutrient starvation. This was further enhanced by development of bleaching flour, polished rice, pasteurized dairy products and overall refining of foods. All the practices followed today.
Commercialization of foods involved giving them longer shelf life. All of this involved killing the essential essential nutrients making food digestible and nutritious.
An article on Nutritional Health and Microbe Mutation posted in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, April 17, 1996, The following is quoted. “The body’s of malnourished animals provide a breeding ground for virulent mutating viruses for which healthy animals have no current resistance.” “Coxsackie virus mutated into a deadly rapidly reproducing strain in infected animals deficient in vitamin E and selenium. No mutation in non-deficient animals.” Vitamin E and selenium are depleted by bleaching flour.
What actually is viral mutation? The virus gets healthier living an unchallenged existence. “Perhaps virus evolution does depend on what we eat or what we do not eat.” Charles Gauntt, Ph.D. University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Austin 1995
The advent of influenza outbreaks could never happen if the population were well nourished. So, instead of providing what the body needs to maintain health, we have a medical model which relies on trying to impart immunity in the human population by injecting toxic waste into an already nutritionally deficient system. This is called immunization.
Pursuing the intent of creating immunity without restoring and maintaining the overall health of the body has created greater viral mutations across the board. With this, we see drug companies chasing different strains of the flu, making various vaccines intended to address the present mutated strain. Their efforts continue to fail as they aren’t addressing the real issue, malnutrition.
The intelligent approach to imparting immunity is to properly nourish the human body so the immune alliance, created by all bodily organs functioning in concert with each other, resists the incubation and proliferation of any and all viruses. When considering the cooperation of all tissues of the body, starving any particular aspect can leave a chink in your body’s armor.
Many are disillusioned by the propaganda to over alkalinize the body. We see where the optimal pH for the growth of various pathogens ranges from 7.0 to 7.8. The use of acidifying elements like apple cider vinegar have long been used to maintaining optimal health.
Dr Jarvis in his book about folk medicine, he notes that “it becomes apparent, as one studies this list, the microorganisms harmful to the human body grow on alkaline soil. This is particularly interesting in the light of the evidence that in dairy cows and human beings alike, an instinct exists which leads them to seek an acid intake.”
Maintaining good viral protection involves adequate nutrition, involving both vitamins and minerals. Both calcium availability and essential fatty acids required to direct them to the site of infection must be observed. Absorbing calcium requires acid in the digestive system. Antacids only make things worse. Don’t give in the the quack vaccines.