As trees, shrubs, and flowers burst to life with vibrant colors, it’s time to recognize the need to nourish our systems to meet the upcoming challenges of a new year.
We often feel like opening up the windows, moving the furniture and doing deep cleaning as the weather changes and spring is in the air. The same concepts should be embraced when it comes to our bodies and our health.
For the last few years I’ve encouraged the use of a powerful systemic purification protocol as a means of cleaning out the residue from being idle and not getting fresh, live nutrition during that time. Just as it’s important to change the oil in our vehicles, it’s important to cleanse and nourish our liver and kidneys on a regular basis.
One of the areas I investigate on blood work is the GFR which stands for glomerular filtration rate. This shows the efficiency of the kidneys in clearing toxins from the body. This is often influenced by overloads in the liver. I’ve noted that the desirable levels for the GFR is greater than 95. Labs give a reference level of greater than 60 suggesting kidneys aren’t failing. I want to know what the actual number is.
When either the liver or kidneys aren’t functioning at optimum, one outcome can be elevated blood pressure. When this is the case, adding drugs to the equation doesn’t improve the function of these organs, but in fact, only complicates matters. We could see a lowering of blood pressure, but eventually the increased damage will require more aggressive drugs to bring down the blood pressure, while creating further damage.
The best approach to lower blood pressure with overloads in either area, is to pursue the the clearance of both of these organs. There are other conditions which raise the blood pressure, and some of these are connected with stress. Fear, worry, anxiety all impact the nervous system with a resultant constriction of the blood vessels. This shows the relationship of both physical and mental/emotional triggers as they relate to elevated blood pressure.
Since the physical response of the body can be influenced by thoughts, spring cleaning can involve much more than just doing some detoxification of the body. We read where the ability to impact your life positively can be through prayer and fasting. Here we see where the mental and physical components need to be activated together. Toxic thoughts can create toxic residue in the system and put a greater load on the organs of elimination. Fasting your emotions can be as simple as turning off the news, and spending more time focusing on positive issues.
Often I’ve talked about how you can’t detox a polluted liver into a toxic bowel. The issue here involves the fact that as we detoxify the liver, the toxic components are purged through the common bile duct into the intestines. When there’s a back up in the bowel, these toxins don’t get effectively flushed from the system and are picked back up into the circulation and delivered back to the liver again. This toxic merry-go-round isn’t an effective or appropriate way to cleanse the body.
Because of all these factors, the best way to address spring cleaning is to approach it with an emphasis on improving digestive and eliminative function. Start by withholding any potential foods that can complicate the cleansing process. At the same time, support the kidneys ability to cleanse and improve their health. On top of that, support the detoxification pathways of the liver.
This method of clearance is embraced by the Standard Process Purification Protocol. This is a twenty one day intensive process. It involves a great degree of discipline, and can profit patients greatly. Besides seeing chronic ailments improved and occasionally eliminated, one of the side effects can be weight stabilization. I’ve had those with stubborn weight problems lose weight and break through the barriers that had kept them from seeing good weight loss.
During a time of increased emphasis on potentially serious health challenges, and one which has been promoted so aggressively as to scare people into taking an experimental biological shot, the best defense against something with a greater than 99% recovery rate is to keep your house clean. We can assist you in this process. Check out the site: 1 degree of Change, standard Process