Cutting wood last weekend and this weekend has revealed just how out of shape we’ve gotten by not having the continuous physical activity. It’s time to burn off that winter fat.
Just getting out for a walk is something we all need. With the blossoming of fruit trees here in the northwest, it’s some of the most beautiful of scenes around. A good eighteen holes of golf, walking is just one way to restore some good blood circulation as well as getting the lymphatic system working again.
Physical activity has always been one of the best cures for depression and anxiety. Being sedentary allows for many thoughts which don’t benefit any of us.
Being active has always been the drug of choice for me. Just sitting around can be depressing to me. I have to be busy, and spending my days in the office working requires me to find time to be physically active.
One word of caution involves the wearing of a mask while working out. This is something that actually becomes detrimental. Seeing kids playing sports wearing a mask concerns me as the increased concentration of CO2 in their system while their lungs are working hard to get rid of it creates pH imbalances which over time may increase the damage to their heart and cardiovascular system. Much like other sports injuries, this could plague them in the future with calcification of the coronary arteries and aorta.
Personally, if I had children in sports, I would pull them from the sport until they were insured they could breathe properly and blow off the CO2 created by increased physical exertion. Besides the calcification of the cardiovascular system and all their joints, I have a personal concern that the mask is actually inducing an increased potential of bacterial pneumonia.
Back to activity. Getting out of the house is critical. If you’re one with seasonal allergies, this can be something which creates other challenges. The allergies we often see this time of year can be associated with toxic accumulation affecting all the mucous membranes of the entire body. If this is the case, maintaining good bowel function is one of the first areas to focus on.
When it comes to a backed up digestive system, waste which isn’t cleared appropriately, gets reabsorbed into the portal circulation and goes directly to the liver, overloading the ability to clear all wasted from the system. This can allow for increased accumulation of histamine, which should be cleared from the blood by the hepatocytes of the liver. We can use an enzymatic element which the Japanese identified and called Yakriton. This is something we actually have available to deal with elevated histamine levels. This can greatly assist allergy symptoms, but most important is to deal with the immediate cause.
What is often observed with increased activity like walking can massage the colon and increase the normal function of elimination. A sedentary lifestyle, sitting on the couch can aggravate a condition of constipation. Maintaining hydration at the same time can assist in clearing the mucous membranes of the bowel.
Improving the integrity of the mucous membranes can be achieved with the use of a good source of vitamin A, of which I feel cod liver oil to supply in good levels. This with the support of membranes using both goldenseal root and licorice root can greatly improve allergy response.
The more adrenal glands are stressed, the greater the chance of seasonal allergies. For this reason, the increased activity of exercise can alleviate the issues of stress on the adrenal glands. We see where the licorice root is also a great adrenal support. The only caution here is the potential of increasing blood pressure. But wait, the increased activity of exercise is great for high blood pressure.
So many issues of health can be addressed by just getting out and being active. Now that I’ve managed to get this written, it’s time for me to go home and unload, split and stack the firewood.