If you’ve ever used a wood stove, you’re aware that closing the damper, restricting oxygen to the flame will ultimately put out the fire. Our bodies metabolize carbon based materials the same way a fire burns wood.
Obviously we need fuel to run on, and that’s why the quality of that food is instrumental in metabolism. If you build your fire with just kindling, it will burn hot and fast and then, just as quickly be out. That is just what we see in cases of hypoglycemia. Quick energy and then the crash.
Changes in our ability to access oxygen greatly impacts our performance. Simple things like deep breathing and being more active, getting rid of a sedentary lifestyle can greatly extend your life, and make it more enjoyable.
Since oxygen has to be procured by breathing, damage to the lungs as a result of inflammation or other means can dramatically impact cellular oxygen levels.
Smoking creates competition for oxygen absorption. When we see damage to the lungs from a history of smoking, resulting in COPD or emphysema, repair of these tissues can be challenging to say the least. There are measures we can take to protect and enhance the alveoli which remain.
Anemia is one of the chief causes of oxygen deficit. The hemoglobin in red cells is responsible for transporting oxygen from the lungs to the cells of your body and returning CO2 to the lungs for removal. To build healthy hemoglobin, absorption of iron from the diet is critical. First of all, we need foods rich in iron, and secondly we need to be able to absorb this from our foods. Low stomach acid impairs absorption of minerals like iron as well as protein required to produce hemoglobin.
Iron interacts with copper and protein to form hemoglobin. These in addition to chlorophyll, which has a very similar structure to hemoglobin complete the package. Sources of iron include liver, kelp, beets, and most green vegetables. Without stomach acid, its common to see deficiencies in this area resulting in premature aging. Thus, the use of antacids in the diet speeds the aging process.
Oxygen increases your disease fighting abilities. Dr Lindlahr proved this during the Spanish Flu, If you rest the patient, maintain healthy hydration, and oxygen, no one has to die from viral infections. He treated several thousand with the flu during that time and only seven died, and those were the ones who’d already abused aspirin, turning off the body’s natural defense mechanism.
We have oxygen generators working non stop, comprised of living vegetation, I can’t help but to laugh when carbon dioxide is called green house gas. What’s produced in a greenhouse is oxygen. Plants take our carbon dioxide and in turn give us oxygen.
Since the byproduct of a plant is oxygen, involved in the combustion of carbon structures, the plant has to make anti-oxidants to protect itself from burning up. Oxygen is the plant’s waste product, just as carbon dioxide is our waste product. We catabolize, or burn fuel to function, so we need the oxygen. The burning of calories in our body is referred to as oxidation.
Plants create these anti-oxidants to protect themselves. Why do people push anti-oxidants all the time? We aren’t trying to reduce oxygen use in the body, but that’s what people do. Ascorbic acid as well as alpha tocopherol, created by the plant are intended to protect the structure of the plant. The more of these elements are in the plant, the more the structure of that plant is critical to our health. It’s not the anti-oxidants we need, it’s the high anti-oxidant plants we need.
The bank with no guards usually doesn’t contain much cash. The one with a whole load of guards is where the goods are. Don’t just run off with the guards, get what they’re guarding. This is why I advocate high anti-oxidant foods, like turmeric. Purchasing high potency vitamin C or vitamin E is leaving the goods behind. Big numbers sell, but don’t benefit the buyer. Get the whole food.
Oxygen restriction ages people. I keep living plants in my office to increase the production of oxygen. Low oxygen can cause brain fog, and you don’t want a foggy headed physician. Elevated oxygen fights infection, and that’s why I’m adamant about avoiding the mask. And by the way, the act of covering the face during the Spanish flu increased deaths due to pneumonia.