Sun screens have come under scrutiny lately as the chemicals used have been shown to penetrate the skin and enter the blood stream. Although court is still out as to whether these chemicals pose any serious threat to our health, I prefer to err on the safe side.
Skin damage from ultraviolet radiation from the sun occurs when the protective components of skin become compromised. Irradiation of the skin converts the cholesterol in the skin to vitamin D. The role of vitamin D is to increase absorption of calcium into the blood.
Both the poly-unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin C are required to transport calcium into the tissues. Vitamin C moves calcium into the bones. The double bonded fats like those found in wheat germ oil, flax seeds, borage seeds, and evening primrose oil move calcium into the tissues. This protects the skin from radiation damage.
While in Hawaii, I focused on consuming plenty of the vitamin F (unsaturated fatty acids), and even though I lived in shorts and light shirt, I never burned. When I came home and let my guard down in the garden, I managed to get a slight sun burn. Just a reminder, that I must maintain proper nutrition levels regardless of where I am or what elements I’m faced with.
In Hawaii, they’ve been warning visitors to use only sunscreen which doesn’t contain chemicals harmful to the coral reefs. They’ve found that some of the compounds in sunscreens kill the microorganisms in the coral. Because of this, it stands to reason these chemicals, once absorbed into the bloodstream could have a detrimental effect on our own system.
With this in mind, are we willing to be the test subjects involved in identifying the long term damage of these chemicals. Obviously, rare and intermittent exposure will have less impact than chronic exposure. How often we see where certain compounds are praised for what we expect them to do until we start to see where long term exposure has begun to create serious problems. Preferably, the use of clothing which can filter the rays of the sun, while keeping us cool is a better choice.
My wife’s grandfather wore long underwear year round and said they kept him cool in the summer. Not what I would want to do, but evidently it worked for him. While in Hawaii, I got a golf hat that protects my ears and back of my neck, which my ball caps fail to do. I consider this one of those added protections we all can consider when dealing with sun exposure.
Many years ago, we had a large boat which we spent our weekends on, out in the ocean. During that time I found it critical to make friends with sun screen or get baked. Over time, I began to develop better sun tolerance, and less burning. It’s important to know how much sun is too much.
With the use of a highly bioavailable calcium and some vitamin F, your vulnerability to skin damage from the sun is reduced. I now take at least six of the Cataplex F by Standard Process daily. If I’m going out in the sun for any extended time, I increase this. This not only is good for protecting me from the UV rays of the sun, but also is critical for protecting my prostate gland and assisting with the strength of heart contractions. Another aspect of this involves the ability of the thyroid gland to manufacture the hormone thyroxine.
The manufactures of margarine take good poly unsaturated oils and breaks the double bonds making steric acid, which actually damages those areas of healthy fats in the body. One area is the myelin sheath of the nerves. When this happens, disruption in mental focus can occur. Often, taking children (or adults) off of junk foods loaded with these trans fats, we see social changes like attention deficit hyperactive disorder going away.
If staying away from the junk foods and the trans fats can assist in areas of thought and behavior, it could help us avoid getting even more scorched when out in the beautiful sunshine. Skin cancers are very common and the sun police tell us to stay out of the sun. We need the sun for many reasons. The increased vitamin D assists in mental and emotional well being as well as protecting us from the very element we’re trying to avoid, (cancer).
So, if you want to enjoy the sun and want to keep a healthy prostate and thyroid, Consider getting enough vitamin F. Good oils from seeds and grains that aren’t processed is a good start.