The issue we run into is how to manage levels of these fungal components so our immune system rules our immunity, not the yeast.
Yeast in your system is kind of like having a corrupt government in power over your body’s functions. That government will do whatever is required to maintain it’s control over you.
I love having the mentorship of other physicians who share their clinical failures and successes with me. By so doing, I get to avoid many of the rough trials they went through. I’d much rather get information from them than use my patients as a testing ground.
Recently I sat in on a session of “Mentoring the mentors” with Dr Stewart White. He shared how these fungal forms in our body will mount defenses to protect themselves from any efforts we use to kill them. They transform the internal environment to their benefit.
With some of the new tools we have available, we can witness first-hand the response of these fungal forms and their response to measures which threaten their life, and how quickly our body can respond positively to proper treatment.
Many food sensitivities are directly related to intestinal yeast overgrowth. The nature of fungus is to create what’s known as a mycelial network through membranes, this can lead to a porous or leaky intestinal lining, allowing food into the bloodstream, prematurely, in a form which elicits an allergic response.
If you have multiple food allergies, clearing yeast from your system is critical to being able to enjoy healthy foods again. This can be done only if you’re willing to be diligent with your diet for three months. It’s not something a pill can correct. Your diet is crucial to getting lasting results.
Many systemic conditions are an indirect result of these fungal forms in the body. High blood pressure, arthritis, sleep issues, mood changes, even a swollen prostate with elevated PSA can be directly related to these yeast colonies.
Physical changes in your body from these yeasts can be seen by just using a specific herbal element on your wrists. This can result in loss of range of motion as the yeast attempts to defend itself. This being the case, just trying to kill the yeast is far less effective than changing the internal environment as a means of starving the yeast out.
Dr White showed where even those who thought they didn’t have any yeast in their body, found they indeed did. Regardless of where you live, these fungal forms are in our homes, offices, and even our foods. Legionnaires disease is actually a fungal condition that had incubated in the duct work of the heating and cooling system of that hotel.
Dr White showed that most yeast treatments are like attacking the ink instead of the squid. If you don’t address the source, you’re doomed to fight symptoms forever. Changing the internal environment within which all these pathogens dwell is truly how to restore health.
Removing vagrants and not removing the slums only results in the vagrants returning. We’ve embraced a form of medicine which has failed our country, in which we’re too focused on the pathogen and fail to treat and support the person.
Fungal overgrowth is only one aspect of these stealth pathogens which can take up residence in the system, resulting in symptoms which are viewed as disease. Viral, bacterial, parasitic and fungal elements in your body attempt to create an environment which sustains their life. We have the opportunity to change this internal environment to the point of making it easier to kick out the inhabitants, and to keep them out.
Your internal environment either is inviting to these pathogens or not. This is why so many people fall sick with everything that comes down the pike.