Keeping our mind sharp is important if we intend to live a long enjoyable life. Since our brain and the thought processes we use daily affect all the functions of our body, it’s critical we keep this organ healthy.
As with any other area of bodily function, maintaining cellular health of the brain, involves proper nourishment, removal of waste materials, avoidance of toxins, and proper exercise. Any of these areas, if ignored, can result in improper function, and deviation in the ability to think and function.
Nourishment requires good fats, minerals, B vitamins (especially inositol and choline), and adequate hydration. When any of the proper nutrients are missing, healthy function can’t be fully expected. Since aberrations of thought, like schizophrenia involve lacking B vitamins, a full complement of food based nutrients are required if you expect to experience healthy brain function.
Avoidance of toxic exposure isn’t just restricted to chemical substances from outside the body. The thoughts we entertain can initiate detrimental effects on the structure and function of our brain as well as every other cellular structure of our being. Thoughts create changes in the bio-chemical makeup of our body. Chemical change is the basis of how our bodies work. Thoughts initiate these changes.
Guarding our thoughts is just as important to good health as avoiding toxic damage from pesticides and herbicides. Since many of these pesticides affect the nervous system of insects they have a detrimental affect on our own nervous system. This is why I’m quite particular about obtaining organic foods.
Exercising the brain is one of the most critical aspects of keeping the thought process working properly. As I said, use it or lose it! Just as muscles atrophy if you don’t use them, your brain is no different.
When I was in school back in Kansas, I worked the summer hand loading semi’s with frozen meat. I handled as much as 120,000 pounds each day. By the time summer was over and I went back to school, I couldn’t find clothes that would fit me. The diligence of working those muscles daily had a dynamic effect on bulking me up.
After only one month of sitting in class and studying non-stop, without the same amount of physical activity, all that bulk I’d put on disappeared. During the time that Arnold Schwarzenegger was filming Kindergarten Cop in Astoria, he worked out four hours every day at the local Nautilus health club. If he decided to stop for a month or more he would lose everything he’d previously gained. It takes work to keep that physique.
Putting your brain our of order for any long period of time has the potential of setting brain function back seriously. It’s critical to daily use your mind. These neural pathways work better the more they’re used. Memorization requires repetition.
When I see problems of dementia and Alzheimers I have to look closely at brain nutrition, hydration, potential of toxic exposure, and use! Watching television with your brain in neutral isn’t a healthy way to maintain good brain function and good recall. All too often I see decline in mental function after retirement when the person is no longer pursuing an active, thinking lifestyle.
My dentist is 86, and every bit as sharp as a 30 year old. He has no intentions of retirement and attends every seminar he can. There’s no decline in his mental function, and since his brain directs and controls his body, he isn’t demonstrating any physical decline. Don’t just exercise your muscles, keep your brain sharp. The Bible says that we are to renew our minds daily! (Romans 12:2 King James Bible)