The doctor who dispensed it to me had his eyes opened hearing Dr Lee many years ago. This impacted my life, thanks to Dr Royal Lee and his wisdom, combined with the whole food nutritional support my mother received, provided by Dr Bastyr, I had no choice but to follow after the truth concerning whole food nutrition over high potency vitamin supplements.
When a person can’t receive nutrition from good clean food due to environmental stresses and poor food choices, it’s critical we use a concentrated form of real food to restore normal healthy functioning of digestion and absorption. Once that’s accomplished, we can work on restoring the rest of the system. This is where the wisdom of Dr Royal Lee and the use of Standard Process nutritional products makes the real difference.
I was blessed and honored to be invited along with top physicians from all over the nation to learn more and see the growth of this amazing company. Besides having the opportunity to tour the farm and processing areas, we had a glimpse into the research end of things where Standard Process teamed up with Colin O’Brady to create food bars that allowed him to be the first man in history to solo transit the Antarctic in 54 days, unassisted.
Colin was there to present us with his history and how teaming up with Charles DuBois, the president of Standard Process, and third generation of Dr Lee, was able to accomplish what had been impossible. To know more about Colin, go to. I found out his step mom was one of my classmates. What an amazing woman to raise such a dynamic son.
One of the presentations showed that the enzyme, Pepsin, which is the only enzyme capable of breaking down the fibers of meat can’t function in a pH above 5. The optimal pH for it’s function is 2. Unfortunately, with half the population popping acid limiting drugs, it’s no wonder the majority of our population have amino acid deficiencies, resulting in everything from depression to insomnia.
In 1893 a drink was created for a drug store in North Carolina which contained pepsin and called it Brad’s drink. This was later renamed Pepsi Cola in 1898. Unfortunately as a sugary drink, it didn’t afford the low pH for pepsin to function in digesting. Not to be outdone, Coca Cola created a pepsin gum to aid digestion. Eventually Beeman’s created a pepsin gum as well.
Park Davis drugs created a soda mint with pepsin for digestion, but obviously didn’t know what they were doing when they created chocolate coated tablet number 92 containing iron, arsenic, and strychnine. They shoot horses. That doesn’t work for patients, but I guess if you can’t help the digestion, give the patient a dose of chocolate coated tablet number 92 and watch your troubles go away.
Thankfully, Dr Royal Lee created Zypan which contains the betaine hydrochloride to acidify along with the pepsin to aid in proper digestion. I’ll pass on the arsenic and strychnine thank you.
I know that much of what I share here relates to using specialized nutrition created for doctors to dispense out of their offices. Standard Process has had a policy which forbids marketing their supplements without the direction of a physician. The incredible expense they’ve endured trying to shut down violators of this policy ultimately gets factored into cost. Unfortunately what’s been sold on Amazon has cost customers far over the actual price.
Having patients all over the map, we ship these nutritional supports all over the US. At the conference, they’ve set into motion a program for the few top physicians in attendance an opportunity to have a personal website where our patients can order directly on line. This will assist me in caring for the many patients I have throughout all 50 states. As this occurs, I’ll let you all know.
I do establish patients from afar by sending out patient intake forms and do phone consultations where we can begin to address personal needs. Having access to my site for obtaining the products we’ve established to be appropriate, can free me up to care for more patients, and allow for better patient compliance. I will be making information on this more available as the company makes it more available to me. My goal is to help people obtain their own personal health goals.