Recently a patient with a chronic skin condition which had failed to respond to any kind of therapy got back to me, and low and behold, the true cause is that of a parasitic infestation. Since starting on the proper treatment, she’s doing so much better.
In this particular case, the patient has been a small dog owner for years. What people fail to understand is that besides love and affection, our pets can give us much more. Toxocara is a type of round worm that lives in both cats and dogs in their gastrointestinal tracts. It appears this patient has harbored this parasite, and upon proper therapy, she’s now finding relief.
Dogs like to lick. Unfortunately they don’t use toilet paper when they finish their job, they just use their tongues. The life cycle of parasites includes the ovum stage where the eggs are passed off in the stool, re-enter the system orally and the cycle continues.
When your pet wants to lick you, you have the opportunity to receive the eggs of whatever parasite living in their gut. After defecation they lick their anal region and then their fur. Petting the animal and then putting a sandwich in your mouth without washing up first can inoculate you with whatever parasites might be in your pet. Round worms and heart worms aren’t just for dogs.
I remember a patient that I gave a specific homeopathic to. He asked if he could give some to his dog, a Great Pyrenees who was losing massive amount of weight and losing hair. His skin was a mess. After a dose of the homeopathic, the dog began passing massive amounts of worms and gained his weight back, his skin healed, and he regained his vitality.
The problem with parasites is that they eat your food and then give you their waste to process through your liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. The problem is far more common than one might think. Not only do we potentially get parasites from our pets, our foods come from everywhere. We have indeed become a global community with the increased access to foods from other countries.
When I traveled through Germany in 1987 to visit homeopathic manufacturing facilities, I saw that fields were spread with human waste as fertilizer. What a horrible stench. Made me appreciate the normal manure spreading on the dairy farms of Oregon. Parasites can be present in and on the foods we purchase.
Back when I had a large boat out of Tillamook, I would go out in the ocean and catch bottom fish off of Arch Cape. There where an abundance of birds nesting there, resulting in an abundance of guano going into the water. The fish loved the area, and I would find worms in their flesh along the backbones. Got me to look closely at all my catch. Fish tapeworm can grow to 30 feet in length.
When we eat, the normal sequence of events involves the stomach reaching a strong acidic nature which helps digest any parasites or ovum that might be present. Unfortunately, the massive number of people shutting down stomach acid with acid blockers open the door to parasites.
Up until a year or so ago, we’ve had indoor cats, but I’m glad to say those days are gone. Many of my relatives have dogs, and when visiting, the dogs want me to pet them and they want to lick me. I guess I’ve got too much of my mother in me that says an animal’s place is outside. I have chickens, but my place doesn’t resemble Ma and Pa Kettles with chickens in the house.
Just as it’s appropriate to worm your animals on a regular basis, we occasionally need to do some planned maintenance on ourselves. There are great ways to remove parasites from the gut and the rest of the body. Just as viruses have the potential of initiating cancers, parasites create an environment which can open the door. There’s a physician who wrote a book dealing with curing cancer, and her belief is that all cancers can be the result of parasites.
When you consider that parasites like to feed off of dead stuff. Much like maggots only eat off of dead flesh, It makes me question the chicken or the egg quandary. Did the parasites cause the problem with the tissues, or were the tissues compromised enough to allow the parasites to breed and multiply. Here is where maintaining a strong healthy system can help us not harbor these hitchhikers in the first place. Healthy food, good digestion and regular healthy elimination will go a long way to maintaining abundant health and freedom from parasites.