What I’ve seen recently is a greater number of these conditions in the elderly. One major challenge I’ve seen involves cognitive impairment. It’s unfortunate when the ability to think and reason during one of these infections can greatly impair the person’s ability to deal with underlying conditions.
One of the most common treatments resorted to is the use of cranberry juice as a means of correcting pH of the urine. Most opportunistic bacteria involved in these infections thrive in an alkaline environment. Often the use of botanicals which contain the element arbutin can be used to assist in changing the urinary pH to acidic.
Healthy urine should have a pH of 5.5 and not exceed 6.4. One of the greatest determining factors elevating pH, into the range where infection occurs is the consumption of sugary foods and drinks.
The common use of antibiotics to deal with these infections when there’s been no change in diet, only results in more and more antibiotics, further destroying healthy bacteria required for proper digestion, absorption, and elimination.
Another primary challenge we run into is the patient who refuses to consume half their body weight in ounces of healthy spring water. The use of chlorinated, fluoridated water negatively impacts the proper bacteria required to protect the urinary tract.
Systemic pH can be corrected with the use of aggressive acid carrying elements. Damaging the healthy function of the stomach and parietal cells which manufacture digestive juices by taking acid blocking drugs can eventually have far reaching effects on the kidneys and urine production.
When proteins fail to be fully digested because of limiting hydrochloric acid in the stomach, the kidneys can become overloaded with proteins causing damage to the nephrons of the kidneys. With this being the case, proper production of urine is impaired. These proteins can then be a breeding ground for bacteria.
The use of the enzyme arginase to assist in clearing these proteins can take a huge burden off the kidneys and remove a source of the infectious condition. This along with an acidifying compound like cranberry juice (without the sugar), or ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, and betaine hydrochloride as found in the acidifying product I use from Standard Process, can dramatically shift away from chronic or acute bladder infections.
Diet is paramount in protection against repeated urinary tract infections UTI’s, Often times we see the elderly, housed in assisted living, being served far too many carbohydrates. This can further alkalinize their urine, predisposing them to these infections.
Because these people usually don’t get enough activity, the sedentary lifestyle may lead to snacking on more starches and consumption of diuretics like coffee or soda pops. Reduced activity will ultimately impact cardiovascular activity resulting in reduced filtration by the kidneys. For this reason, I encourage the elderly to be more active. Walking is critical to improving all aspects of life.
When I look at UTI’s, I look closely at bladder, kidneys, liver, and stomach, as all of these can play a major role in setting up the condition. When the liver is over burdened with either toxins from poor digestion and putrefaction of undigested proteins, or from medications, the kidneys then have to deal with the overload.
Inadequate hydration can result in highly concentrated urine, which can irritate and inflame the membranes of the bladder and urethra. For this reason, good pure water is recommended to correct or protect these tissues. The use of fluids which have the potential of altering the pH into an alkaline level or dehydration of the tissues due to diuretic effects all can increase the potential of UTI’s.
Keeping this in mind, the use of diuretics for lowering blood pressure can spark UTI’s due to the dehydration process and concentration of urine. Regardless of cardiovascular challenges, water consumption is a must. In fact, often times the use of the diuretics for high blood pressure probably wouldn’t have been needed if a person were properly hydrated in the first place.
When dealing with the five pillars of health, proper hydration is one of the fundamental ones. The others involve healthy foods, proper rest, activity, and fresh air. All too often physical impairment or becoming just plain lazy can result in urinary challenges. My treatment protocol is acidification, clearance of urinary proteins, and immune support. This works far better than antibiotic treatments.