Although truth in labeling laws are currently in place, how we as consumers choose to use products can’t ultimately be regulated. Regardless of the safety of some items, there will always be those who abuse them. Unfortunately we see lawsuits arise out of ignorance and personal recklessness.
Not all that long ago, I had access to a safe and natural form of ephedrine, which I had great success treating severe allergies with. Unfortunately, due to idiots that incorporated it into the production of Meth amphetamines, my access to this truly helpful substance is no longer there.
Many items which are readily available in your local grocery store have the potential of creating harm if used inappropriately. Many, I would never use at all because they provide no benefit to my health and vitality, and in most cases, have a great potential of harming my body or mind.
My taste buds don’t rule my life. I have taken control over my senses, not the other way around. Catering to your sense of taste can ultimately leave you in a state of physical, emotional, or mental breakdown. Is it worth it?
I recently saw a patient who’s dealing with intense, chronic pain throughout his entire body. He’s had five rotator cuff surgeries, herniated disks in his back, one of his hips replaced twice, and a knee which is now in trouble. Due to the intense pain he’s enduring, he’s facing additional damage by the pain medications he’s had to take, just to function. On top of that, there’s the unescapable withdrawal which comes from trying to stop them.
My first and greatest concern involves alleviating his intense pain. As anyone who’s endured such pain knows, all functions are seriously impaired with intense pain. Alleviating his pain needs to be accomplished without adding more damage. Here is where I like to use the herb Boswellia as well as some of the other safe pain relieving herbs.
Secondly, there has to be a reason why a body would fall apart like this. If he was an automobile, my first question would be, “how are you being driven?” What kind of traumatic terrain are you being exposed to? Have you been sky diving without a parachute, or have you been in a serious automobile accident? None of these are the case.
When none of these are causative factors, I really need to know what kind of maintenance has been in place. Obviously, if you fail to perform maintenance, you will have some kind of mechanical failure. What grade of oil is being used? Is there water in the radiator? Are you using fuel that’s compatible with the manufactures handbook?
The human body is amazingly resilient and can handle many kinds of abuse and still bounce back. This resiliency is an amazing aspect which continues to amaze me. The many checks and balances our Creator incorporated into our system allowing this kind of continual repair and restoration fully surpasses any kind of manufacturing genius we can come up with.
There does comes a point at which abuse can no longer be tolerated by the body, and systems begin to crash. In evaluating my patient, I found one serious issue which stood out. No water in the radiator. (years ago, we broke a radiator hose in a car without knowing it. The car went dry and we ended up purchasing a new engine.)
In lieu of drinking water this individual consumed four liters of Mt. Dew daily. This stuff contains extreme levels of caffeine and a massive amount of sugar. Let’s put this in perspective. At 46 grams of sugar in a 12 ounce serving, he consumes 549 grams of high fructose corn syrup, or the equivalent of 137 teaspoons of sugar a day. Besides the emulsifier ‘Brominated Vegetable Oil’ used in citrus flavored soft drinks, this combination sets the stage for dehydration and inflammation of tissues, especially those which make up tendons, ligaments, and cartilage.
Repair is possible, but a dramatic change in lifestyle is required to give these tissues an opportunity to rehydrate and become flexible again. Nutritional supports are valuable in assisting the body in repair. Excessive sugars cause glycation and scaring of tissues, resisting repair. Elements like Gotu Kola and a few other restorative herbs which assist the body’s innate healing responses should ultimately be used. The mineral, manganese is important in supporting repair of connective tissues. Your body can’t run efficiently on soda pop. Not for long anyway. Stop drinking it! We can help repair your body if you’re willing to embrace change.