This organ functions much like a thermostat. Just as a thermostat will attempt to regulate the temperature in your house by way of it’s relationship with your heat pump, air conditioner, or any other temperature regulating device, your hypothalamus directs your organs to make corrections where needed.
If the heating elements are damaged, there’s little the thermostat can accomplish to regulate the environment.
Just as a thermostat can be programed to maintain the environment, so can your entire endocrine and autonomic nervous system be altered by affecting changes to your hypothalamus.
This is often the forgotten piece of the stress response team. We often look to organs like the adrenal glands or the thyroid, but the hypothalamus gets ignored. This team involves the adrenal glands, thyroid, pituitary, the hypothalamus, and lastly your cerebral cortex.
The cerebral cortex is that part of the brain where we process thoughts, and is responsible for adjusting the hypothalamus either up or down. For instance, if we become frightened, the thought will cause the hypothalamus to initiate increased cardiac output, raising adrenalin release, and an increase in respiration to elevate oxygen in the system for immediate action.
By the same example, someone who mediates on sorrow and depression will drive metabolic action down. This helps to confirm the scripture that states, “a merry heart does good like a medicine.” Our thought processes are the hands on the thermostat that changes the outcome of many organs in our bodies.
This environment of fear that has been propagated through all of the media, whether it be television, radio, internet or cell phone. Just how much of the adrenal failure I see is really due to physical stresses? I would estimate the majority is due to psychological, emotional stress.
With all the fear concerning Covid, there is this push to have the world vaccinated against it with a vaccine that really isn’t proven yet. The very fact the CEO of Pfizer has refused to take the vaccine with the excuse that he wants it in the hands of health care providers first says to me he lacks confidence in this vaccine, created to supposedly prevent the spread of a virus which 99.? percent of those who contract it fully recover, and only 6% of reported deaths were actually Covid.
Fear not only affects all the organs of your body, but it makes you vulnerable to being controlled. Living in a state of fear is truly living in prison. I have to always remember, what’s the worst case scenario, dying and going to be with Jesus? I’m personally not ready to finish what I’ve begun here on earth, making positive changes in peoples lives, but dying doesn’t scare me.
Many times when there has been a disruption in hypothalamic function, we have to consider what will bring the best resolution. The use of mammalian DNA to rebuild this organ is excellent and something which I’ve been using from Standard Process in my practice.
This can be especially beneficial in women who have gone through the change. Temperature irregularity is something which treating the hypothalamus can dramatically improve. Often this is under the control of the thyroid and the adrenal glands, but ultimately regulated at the hypothalamic level.
Stubborn weight issues can also be influenced here as the hypothalamus sets the rate of your metabolism and then moderates this through your pituitary and thyroid glands. Besides weight regulation, appetite can be influenced here too.
Sleep is greatly impacted here as well, and when those attempts to improve sleep fail to work, it can be due to the hypothalamus not regulating circadian rhythm. Lastly, moods can really be affected by the hypothalamus. How do you protect it? Do a better job of controlling your mind, will, and emotions and this can be the first place to make an impact. Your thoughts matter.